- What is ProFrac Holding Corp.'s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the Nasdasq under the symbol ACDC.
- When was ProFrac Holding Corp. incorporated?
August 2021
- Where is ProFrac Holding Corp. located?
333 Shops Boulevard
Suite 301
Willow Park, TX 76087- When is ProFrac Holding Corp.'s fiscal year end?
December 31st
- Who is ProFrac Holding Corp.'s transfer agent?
Equiniti Trust Company, LLC
48 Wall Street, Floor 23
New York, NY 10005
T: (800) 937-5449
helpAST@equiniti.com- Who is ProFrac Holding Corp.'s independent auditor?
Grant Thornton LLP
1717 Main Street
Suite 1800
Dallas, TX 75201
T: 214-561-2300